About LOYALL - (Ladies on yachts at long last)

Loyall is designed to allow women of all ages, and all walks of life to experience sailing in both racing or non racing capacity.  Loyall will help you will gain the skills and knowledge required to sail proficiently and with confidence be it for racing or cruising.

Our programme starts with a skills night in the clubrooms especially for those new to sailing or perhaps it has been some time since last sailing to give some basic skills and safety features. 

Not all yachts will be racing, a trainee fleet will sail the course with 2 coaches on board to give confidence and skills as you gather techniques. 

Everyone must pre-register once for the season, this is so we can gather the required numbers of yachts with our very able owners and an additional coaching crew and then sign on weekly for each evening to be allocated a boat. The racing fleet will have their nominated crew but could be topped up if needed.

The first boats will start at 6pm, but you will be expected to arrive at 5-5.15 at you assigned yacht. 

After sailing we encourage everyone to come to the clubhouse for prize giving and spot prizes. A buffet supper is available, and the bar is open. It is a great time to get to know your skipper and other like minded women. 

While training boats tend to follow the course set for that evenings race, the pace and atmosphere on these boats is a lot more relaxed than on the racing yachts. A final perk is that if the wind dies, you don't have to complete the course like the racing yachts, you just cruise home and have a drink.

Skills nights are held prior to and during the series to help develop additional sailing techniques.

  • Yacht owners will be asked to make their boats available and may have a second male on board to help share skills on the training boats. (one may be the skipper  until a crew member is  trained.) 
  • All owners will be thanked through a voucher on a per-race system. 
  • Race yachts and their crew are expected to participate in each race (minor changes are acceptable)   *All ladies must register their intention to participate by the Thursday prior to race day so boats can be allocated.